Cadouri & jocuri
Divertismentul erotic este un termen larg care cuprinde diferite tipuri de activități sau produse sexual provocatoare sau erotice, care servesc la stimularea excitării erotice și satisfacției sexuale. Divertismentul erotic este un termen subiectiv și poate varia de la o persoană la alta. Este important să se conștientizeze faptul că divertismentul erotic ar trebui să fie perceput ca parte a unei decizii consensuale și libere a adulților.
Many people first encounter sex toys when celebrating at a bachelorette or bachelorette party, all sorts of funny, racy gifts are the most important products there. Cize penis-shaped lollipops, inflatable sex toys and sometimes even embarrassing props, and the easiest to get them in our sex shop.
If you don't even know if you're eating or drinking, don't despair! The repertoire of sex toys is almost endless, new ones come out every day, so we have to keep educating ourselves. It's no wonder that as a freshman you don't even know where to go. That's why we've put together a My First Toys category where you can find the best in every field!
Bachelorette parties for women
Your girlfriend is getting ready for the big day of her life, but your job is to make her last "free" night unforgettable. Don't just invest in organising the stag party, think about the decoration too! A few small props, witty decorations can set the mood for the evening and of course the right friend is thinking about the future: in the Girls Party category you will find a few small gifts that the young woman will be able to use with her husband!
A bachelorette party for men
What's a bachelor party worth without a few awkward moments to laugh at decades later? Of course, there's no need to overdo it, but a cuddly handcuff or elephant thong definitely throws off the mood of the dinner! And of course, not forgetting the bachelorette gifts that the newlyweds will be able to use in their life together.
Social games
If you're looking for the ultimate entertainment that delivers excitement, intimacy and can always heat up the bedroom atmosphere, there's no doubt what's the best way to do it: sexual parlor games.
But not all adult games are just about sex! In our online store you can also find special board and card games that, while they don't encourage sexual activity, are adult only in their theme or language... for non-greasy adults.
A gift chosen with due care can say more than many words. Whether you're looking for a special gift for your partner or a close friend, we have something for women, men and couples too! Decorative sex toys, erotic kits and fun little things are waiting for you to express your care and love!