BDSM varustus ja riided
BDSM (bondage, domineerimine, alistumine, masohism) on domineerimise ja alistumise põhimõtetel põhinevad praktikad: sidumine, piitsutamine, alandamine, orjastamine või ülekuulamine. Need hõlmavad BDSM-vahendite kasutamist, millest me pakume laia valikut: piitsad ja peksupadjad, ketid ja pitsid, bondage-vahendid, elektroseksi abivahendid, vibraatorid, anaalpillid ja palju muud.
For this type of entertainment or game is even true that it is not necessarily aimed at a specific sexual act, because the exciting, erotic experience of the balance of power in role-playing games is possible, only in the "sky".
At the same time, it is true that in many cases the right tools are needed to animate BDSM stories. Tools that make this form of togetherness exciting can be easily distinguished by function and you will find them in our offer.
In the category of bondage you will find BDSM accessories that serve to restrict your partner in some way. It can be a hindrance or restriction of movement of certain parts of the body or the whole body, a restriction of sensory perception, especially vision or movement control.
Before you buy BDSM binding tools, you should consider some aspects. Depending on the desired degree of restriction and your experience in bondage, it is advisable to choose different accessories. Clamps offer a quick and easy way to attach limbs to each other or to external objects, while a suitable binding rope can be aesthetically pleasing, versatile and stimulating in itself.
Discipline set is also extensive, as it includes BDSM products that you can use to punish and/or reward during role-playing games. In many cases, these two aspects overlap, as varying degrees of pain are often a source of sexual satisfaction for some people.
Tweezers (e.g., nipple clamps, labia clamps), rings and testicle stretchers, scalpels, and whips that allow for different sensations are all suitable for discipline.
For starters, it is recommended to choose pre-made BDSM sets, since they contain basic accessories that you may need during the game, some of them even with a vibrator. If you already have experience, you can continue the buying process according to your personal needs and preferences.
It's not just small accessories that can enhance sexual intercourse in terms of BDSM! In the subcategory of playroom equipment - where you can also find sex furniture, for example - in addition to a selection of sex pillows and sex swings that will help you take different positions.
It is important that before ordering partners should agree on their limits and on this basis buy disciplinary and restrictive BDSM tools.
But for perfect role-playing and maximum animation of BDSM stories and fantasies, it is worth taking care of the atmosphere as well! Browsing the Fetish Fashion category, you will find clothes and accessories made mainly of latex and leather, which at first sight create the atmosphere of BDSM caves and cellars. However, it is also worth looking at sexy costumes, since among the most common ideas of submissiveness are figures such as servants, nurses or even policewomen.
To experience BDSM sex, it's important that your sex toys are of the right quality to ensure safe play without injuries and a captivating orgasm.